Innovative Burnout and Stress Management Strategies

Jennifer Bassman

I help entrepreneurs, business owners, organizations, solopreneuers, leaders, employees, and women manage their stress as seriously as they manage their money.

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How I Got Here

When recalling my burnout, I have vivid memories of consistently thinking, “I really don’t give a shit.”

I ate a lot of pizza and even woke up with my face laying on a piece. (I had passed out from extreme exhaustion at the dinner table.)

And, I remember feeling like a total failure.

When I burned out, I owned and managed a luxury dog resort and dog daycare that I had built from scratch. The business ran 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. While the doors closed at 7 p.m., there were still animals in my care overnight, over the weekend, on holidays, when it was 100-degrees outside, pouring down rain, and/or I’m so sick I can barely function.

The dogs still needed to be fed, pottied, walked, and loved.

There were also 20-plus employees to manage – including overnight staff that sometimes didn’t show up, business partners who weren’t very helpful or supportive, and numerous other people sitting on the sidelines hoping I would fail.

Nearly every night, at 3 a.m., I would wake up in a panic. My mind would start racing with all of the things I needed to do, worrying about money, or concerned about a dog in my care.

Everything was so serious and the stakes seemed so high all of the time.

Thanks to my perfectionism and people pleasing tendencies, I felt so much pressure to do and say everything right. Mistakes were not allowed. Ever.

If I ever admitted “I don’t know” or said the word “no,” I thought my credibility would be shot and clients would think I wasn’t capable of owning a business. Even though I ran a great, successful business, I felt like an imposter.

And a failure.

I felt like a failure because I never seemed to have my shit together.

You Can’t Hide Burnout or Chronic Stress

Eventually, my burnout turned into anxiety and panic attacks. The first one happened in the middle of a store when I was shopping with my mom. She escorted me to a doctor, who prescribed medication. For years, the only person who knew that had happened was my mom. I was too embarrassed to tell a soul.

Here’s the thing about burnout, you can’t hide it. You think you’re putting up a good front by carrying on, but everyone can see, hear, and feel your exhaustion, frustration, and cynicism.

Even if you don’t know that you’re burned out (or not sure), I guarantee you are exhibiting the signs:

  • You’re so tired all of the time.
  • Your exhaustion clouds your judgement, which leads to poor decisions.
  • You can’t focus on much, if anything.
  • You likely don’t have anything nice to say to anyone. (Except your dog.)
  • No one else does anything right, so you may as well do it all.
  • You feel physical pain just thinking about what needs to get done.
  • You don’t really care about the quality of your work. People get what they get.
  • You are so frustrated all of the time, that you could scream.
  • You’re resentful, bitter, and angry. And it makes you feel guilty.
  • Your negative self-talk is the loudest voice you hear.

It’s okay if you identified with a few things on this list – or all of them.

I would find out over the years that people had identified and experienced all of the things on that list with me.

The Day My “Give A Damn Busted”

I lived (miserably) in denial for a long time. I thought what was happening to me mentally and physically was more a sign of failure, than unrealistic expectations and standards.

The day that I’d finally had enough – that my give a damn busted – came when I realized I was going to lose my boyfriend (now he’s my husband!) because I had become unbearable. I was mean, selfish, and had become too stressful to be around.

I realized that I had sacrificed nearly everything and become consumed by my business. And, it wasn’t worth it.

I realized I deserved better and that if anything had to change, it had to be me and my unrealistic attitude.

The only way I would be able to describe how I was feeling for some time is that “my give a damn busted.”

At the time, I didn’t know that I was suffering from severe burnout. I didn’t figure that out for a few more months. All I knew, is that I was missing out on my life and I had allowed my business and The Hustle Culture to own my life.

I spent the next 24 hours ignoring everything (but my dogs) and making some lists.

I made a list of everything I wanted to change about myself, my mindset, my business, the things I hated doing, the things I liked doing, and what it was I really wanted in my life.

Jennifer, Age 4

Well, What Happened?

While I no longer own or manage that luxury dog resort, I own and operate different businesses that I love.

When I began working through my burnout, I had trouble finding helpful resources or information about chronic stress. The solutions that were offered were incomplete or didn’t seem to attack the actual problem.

I took the CliftonStrengths assessment at the random suggestion of a friend. As I read through the results, a light-bulb clicked on. The CliftonStrengths assessment not only showed me my strengths, but the root cause of my burnout.

This discovery lead me to researching and developing an effective burnout recovery formula because I could point to what drives so many to burnout.

I also found my voice. Other entrepreneurs, business owners, solopreneurs, and leaders were also suffering, and needed someone to show them how to glue their give a damn back together.

More About Jennifer

Jennifer has been a small business owner since 2000. She is the granddaughter, daughter and sister of serial entrepreneurs and small business owners. An Iowa native, now living in Texas, Jennifer has learned to integrate “y’all” and “fixin’ to” into her vernacular so she sounds like a Southerner. (Unfortunately, her vast wardrobe of Iowa Hawkeye t-shirts gives her true heritage away.) Jennifer is a known Dog-aholic who allows her four rescue dogs to run her life.

The Heart & Soul of My Coaching Practice

The cute black and white dog seen in some of my pictures was my very best friend, Claire Bear. She passed away March 30, 2020 after 17+ years of managing me.

While I rescued her from a dark, rainy highway, she rescued me from my darkest hours.

Call me crazy, but I consider Claire to be the founder of this company. She was by my side as I successfully owned and operated three other businesses, and I want to be sure her memory stays alive. Claire loved telling people – especially me – what to do.

The lessons she imparted through her wise eyes and stubby legs benefit us all.

Claire was sweet and the best cuddler ever, but she didn’t take shit from anyone. When Claire entered the room, you knew who was boss… her. Our daily morning walks were actually strategy meetings where we talked about our day ahead, how to deal with her “brothers,” and our next steps for taking over the world.

I hope you have a Claire Bear that motivates you, too.

Contact Me

Anytime, It’s Really Me Answering!

For questions about booking me to speak, burnout recovery, or dogs, please email me.