There is a lot of information and ideas out there on how to manage your stress. But really works?
These five stress relief techniques are proven to work no matter what life throws your way:
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- Let go of the “shoulds” and do something you know you’ll like: Is your day filled with activity that you feel like you “have to” or “should” do? This can make you feel defeated and drain your well of energy fast. It also adds to your stress levels.
Do things because you want to. Sure, there will be things that you really do have to do. That’s life. However, if you are exercising before dawn or journaling first thing in the morning, and you dread doing it – stop. That dread you feel can also be your body and mind telling you this is not a fit and to try something else.
- Stay away from your phone, social media, and email first thing in the morning: When you check your phone/social media/email just as you wake up, you rob your mind of the opportunity to wake up without stress and extra pressure. Studies have also shown that it impacts your mood and energy for the remainder of the day in a negative way.
- Make space for fun: Adulting is not fun. It’s stressful and complicated. But, this doesn’t mean you should stop having fun. Having fun allows your mind to be carefree, worry free, and helps you let go of expectations. And, if you can laugh while having fun that’s even better. Laughter stimulates the good hormones that help relieve stress.
- Plan ahead when you can: We can’t always plan ahead, but it helps to identify the areas of your life or the events that you can plan for effectively. Finding routines, documenting schedules and passwords, making time to meal plan, even creating a shopping list, and/or creating a supporting daily routine frees your mind from a lot of decision-making and the added stress of trying to remember so much.
Keep your planning as simple as possible. And, be flexible. Life happens!
- Shift from escapist stress relief methods: Many people have an alcoholic beverage in an attempt to relax or make them drowsier around bedtime. Unfortunately, alcohol negatively affects your sleep and your overall health.
Intentional stress relief methods like reading, writing, exercises, mediating, praying, or a cup of tea have longer-term stress relief benefits than alcohol.