Part of learning to manage your stress effectively is working on a mindset that will allow you to do so.

If you still believe that a workout needs to be hard to be effective, you have to work long hours to be successful, and/or you can’t say no to extra work or doing someone a favor – you need to correct those limiting beliefs in order for you to really feel relaxed and less stressed.

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You can’t feel less stressed if you work less hours, but in the back of your mind, you are worried that you are missing out on something or what others will think about you. You have to believe that working fewer hours is good for your health and will lead you to long-term success.

Here are three critical mindset shifts to help you reduce stress and feel free:

  1. Know when to rest: We tend to think of rest or vacations as an indulgence we can’t afford either financially or with our work. However, knowing when to take a break allows you to work longer, be more creative, and solve problems more effectively.

    Rest isn’t about being lazy or avoiding work. Prioritizing rest and relaxation improves your well-being and mood that affect nearly all aspects of your life.

  2. Manage your expectations: Having unrealistic expectations create more problems than they solve.

    Having high or unrealistic expectations often leads to disappointment and sets you up for failure. They keep you from pursuing what matters in life. They also don’t allow for mistakes, help you take risks that could help you grow, or leave room for changing circumstances.

  3. Pay attention to what makes you happy: It’s natural to compare ourselves to others, but we often compare ourselves to someone or something without having all of the details.

    Focusing on yourself, your own goals, and what makes you the happiest inevitably leads to lower stress levels and allows you to be free from societal expectations that aren’t a fit.

Published On: April 10th, 2023 / Categories: Uncategorized /