Finish this sentence:
When I re-open my business, I want to be _____________ .
I have given this phrase a lot of thought over the last eight weeks. It lead me to create a Kick-Start Series to inspire and motivate others.
My goal is for my clients (and myself) to emerge from quarantine thriving, and following a clearer path to success and fulfillment. In my Facebook Lives (, I encourage my audience to spend part of their quarantine doing professional and personal development. Let’s re-open our businesses and go back to work with fresh perspectives.
American businesses are beginning to re-open and people are returning to the workplace. Is there something you said you want to do differently once you re-open your business? Is there a piece of quarantine life you want to make part of your life post-quarantine?
Find Courage to Make Changes
In the last few weeks, I have talked about having the courage to make the changes necessary for you to feel more empowered and feel happier. Last week, I talked about how much I have enjoyed quarantine. It’s time to summon that courage and get clear on what you want to happen going forward.
My goals for quarantine productivity are based on how I want to feel when life gets back to “normal.” I have asked myself how I want to spend my time, how I want to feel and what I want my life to look like in the future.
My list includes:
- Being less stressed
- Work on my organization skills
- Managing and planning my work time better
- Working toward more realistic personal and professional goals
- Establish a nutrition and exercise routine that I enjoy
- Consider plans for marketing and operational changes in my business
- Keep the relaxed, yet productive, quarantine feeling going
Get a Kick-Start with the Kick-Start Series
Over the next few weeks, I will be inviting experts on some of these topics to join me on Facebook Live for my “Kick-Start Series” to offer their best tips and perspectives on how to make these improvements.
(This may come as a shock, but I don’t know everything and there are folks that have even better ideas than I do.)
It’s About You
The most important thing to come out of creating my goals is that they are tailored to me and what I want to do. They don’t have anything to do with what other people are doing.
I want you to find the courage to do the same. Too often, I notice people make goals based on what they think they should be doing or on the accomplishments of others.
You have spent this time in quarantine doing something, right? You have possibly been able to get more sleep, exercise more than usual, or get caught up on your favorite shows. Maybe you have been more productive getting work done, you have been more efficient at completing tasks, or discovered a different way to get your work done.
What will you do to carry these discoveries, these habits into post-quarantine life? Perhaps some things felt lazy or unproductive, but your mind and body probably appreciated the break from “busy.”
How will you finish this sentence: When I re-open my business, I want to be _____________ .